Abu Dhabi’s health sector regulator has temporarily closed down two health facilities due to numerous safety violations, as announced in a statement on Tuesday by the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi.
The violations identified at a healthcare center and a health complex include non-compliance with safety protocols and infection control measures, utilization of expired materials and equipment, and failure to adhere to standards and regulations concerning medical waste disposal and storage of blood units. The names of the health facilities were not disclosed by the authorities.
The Department of Health (DoH) also noted that both healthcare facilities lacked licensed physicians in the specified specialties outlined in their licenses. Moreover, the facilities failed to adhere to the approved engineering and technical layouts mandated by the DoH. Additionally, a number of staff members were found to be unvaccinated.
The decision to close these facilities was made with the objective of safeguarding the health and safety of patients and to provide an opportunity for the facilities to rectify the identified issues.
The DoH has stated that its inspectors will conduct future visits to ensure that the concerns are adequately addressed and resolved.