Pakistani actress Saboor Aly has tied the knot with actor Ali Ansari in a grand wedding party that is star-studded. The few exchanged vows on 7 January 2022 in Karachi friday.
It had been a special event that is dreamy Karachi, which saw a number of superstars. Saboor Aly and Ali Ansari’s wedding had been attended by the majority of her famous family and friends people including co-stars Aiman Khan, Zara Noor Abbas, Kinza Hashmi, Urwa Hocane, Sonya Hussyn, yet others which can be many.
Ali Ansari, which rose to fame with all the television drama Khaani, looked dapper in a sherwani that is white. While Saboor Aly opted for an Anarkali outfit that is fantastic had heavy embroidery in her nikkah ceremony. The wedding venue took place in Karachi.
Saboor Aly seems like a bride that is giddy a white dress, gold jewellery, and a smile that crosses her happiness. Here we now have collected all nikkah photos of Saboor Aly with her husband Ali Ansari.
Take a look at all of them below: