Kamal Lawn by Zara Shahjahan has now been launched in Lahore. The brand ambassador of this Kamal Lawn collection is Amna Sheikh who is a famous actress and a model too! This lawn exhibition was attended by large numbers of media personalities. Some of them are Erum Ahmad who is a director of Kamal Limited, Ahmad Kamal who is a CEO of Kamal Limited, Shammal Qureshi from TONI & GUY, Amna Sheikh, Zara Shahjahan, professionals from L’Oreal, Nadia Ali, Cybil, Nooray Bhatti and many more. This event was carried on by J & S events and public relations were done by Lotus. It is totally and completely a vibrant collection consisting and comprising of 15 unique and creative designs. We will notice and observe that most of the dupattas are made up of chiffon material. Women may have wide variety of stitching style options in this collection line. This is quite and rather amazing. Price range of their dresses varies from Rs. 4,000 till Rs. 5,000. Prices are quite affordable so you can easily grab this collection line for your wardrobe.
For the very first time, Kamal limited has worked with Zara Shahjahan and from the sources we came to know that this sort of amalgamation is coming out in a fruitful way. Their combine efforts are boring fruit! Signature styles are there that look extremely attractive and attention captivating. If you want to have pictures of this Kamal lawn collection then you can get it here from this webpage. Have this collection as soon as possible and let us know your feedback here on this webpage that how much you liked this Zara Shahjahan working. Stay here on this webpage and get to know the lawn world in a detailed way.