Social worker and Edhi Foundation Chairman Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away at the age of 88 in Karachi on Friday night. Pakistani iconic social worker Abdul Sattar Edhi, died on Friday at a hospital in Karachi following a prolonged illness. He was 88. Abdul Stattar Edhi son Faisal Edhi announced his death and asked the peoples “Pray for the departed soul” of his father.
Edhi had been hospitalized for the past several weeks and his son said he was suffering from kidney- and sugar-related problems. The Edhi Foundation operates ambulance services, women’s shelters, orphanages, dispensaries and morgues in all Pakistani cities. Abdul Sattar Edhi funeral prayers will be offered after Zuhr prayers on Saturday July 9th at National Stadium Karachi, said his son Faisal Edhi.
Government of Pakistan declared 3-day mourning on death of Abdul Sattar Edhi. CM Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah has declared 3 Days mourning on death of Abdul Sattar Edhi. Khyber Pakhtonkhwa (KPK) government also announced 3 days mourning on the demise of renowned social worker.