Hum Tv Drama Pakeeza OST Title Song

Hum TV is one of the well known and reputed TV channel in Pakistan. Hum TV provide 24 hour entertainment content to its viewers. Hum TV provide services to Lahore, Karachi, Pakistan. The channel owned by the Hum Network Limited. Prior to 21 January 2011 Hum Network Limited was known as Eye Television Network Limited.

This entertainment channel began its transmission in 2005 dated 17 January and in March 2013 Hum Tv Network held award ceremony for the first time. The slogan that this channel used is Hum or A… Her Pal sath “hum jaisa koi nahi” . The sister’s channels of Hum Tv are Hum Masal, Style 360, Hum News, Hum FM.

Aamina Sheikh as Pakeeza

Pakeeza is a new drama on Hum Tv this drama is a romantic story based drama. The story of this drama is about a girl who named Pakeeza married to a Jibran. Jibran is a person who plays her husband role and he cares less care or concern for her wife and family. Pakeeza finds attraction in a friend which name is Azeem who always encourages and supports Pakeeza at every step of her life.

The whole serial Pakeeza covers the deprivation of a married woman a women who are always discouraged or badly treated by their husband. The writer of this drama is Bushra Ansari, Director is Misbah Khalid, Producer of this drama is Moomal Entertainment. The main Cast of this drama are Aly Khan, Amina Sheikh, Adnan Siddiqui and Angeline Malik etc.

Pakeeza OST Title Song:

Pakeeza is one of the new drama serial by the Hum TV, its OST title song available online on WebPakisani. The title song of this drama serial shows the theme of this drama and have amazing lyrics and attractive way to describe the story of the drama. The title song attract the viewers to view drama serial Pakeeza.

Pakeeza OST HUM TV Drama

1 thought on “Hum Tv Drama Pakeeza OST Title Song”

  1. This is a story about a woman named Pakeeza married to a Jibran who cares less about his wife and family. Pakeeza finds solace in a friend named Azeem who always encourages and supports her at every step of the way.


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